Re: REQ: display and allow modifying From: header

From: Jani Patanen (
Date: Thu, 09 Jan 1997 22:00:47 +0200

In article <>,
Chin Huang <cthuang@IO.ORG> wrote:
>On Wed, 8 Jan 1997, Jani Patanen wrote:
>> news articles I would like to have an easy way to modify my From:
>> header when I want to.
>> For example to put From: Jani.Patanen@pp.kolumbus.fi_REMOVE_TAIL
>In the %HOME%\yarn\config file, set

Yes, but then every mail would go out with my address as

I would like to be able to edit that string while composing a message.
Same way as I can now edit To:, Subject: etc. fields while writing the
message. That is, I would not like to use bogus (or correct) email
address on every message and I would not like to quit yarn and change
config every time I decide to use different form of address.


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