Re: REQ: display and allow modifying From: header

From: Mark (
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 1997 10:13:42 -0600

In article <>, (Jani Patanen) said something like:
>In article <>,
>Chin Huang <cthuang@IO.ORG> wrote:
>>On Wed, 8 Jan 1997, Jani Patanen wrote:
>>> news articles I would like to have an easy way to modify my From:
>>> header when I want to.
>>> For example to put From: Jani.Patanen@pp.kolumbus.fi_REMOVE_TAIL
>>In the %HOME%\yarn\config file, set
>Yes, but then every mail would go out with my address as
>I would like to be able to edit that string while composing a message.
>Same way as I can now edit To:, Subject: etc. fields while writing the
>message. That is, I would not like to use bogus (or correct) email
>address on every message and I would not like to quit yarn and change
>config every time I decide to use different form of address.

You could do what I do. I have a pair of config files, and a pair of batch
files that swap out the config files. When I read news, I use a modifide
From: line (see above). I get VERY paranoid, so I also modify the Reply-To:
header and the host name in the config so that my message ID does not
provide a computer-extractable name. I haven't gotten more than 3-4 UCEs
(unsolicited commercial emails) in a week since I did this. I used to get
more like 4-5 a day.

It's not the most elegant solution, and it does require that you exit and
reenter Yarn between mail and news, but since all my mailing lists are
sorted into pseudo-newsgroups, they get handled too. Now I just need to
hide my name on the listserv member lists :-)

Created using Yarn version 0.92 on Jan 13, 1997
Additional effects by YES version 0.22