Re: And now for something completely almost different...

From: Phil Crown (
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 1997 06:55:50 -0600

You told me to always use the Reply-to field when replying to you.

Where does the spamming software get the address from, the reply-to:
field or the From: field, or both?

Try replying to this message and see where it goes. :>

I've been getting more junk mail recently too, but I thought it was
because I just recently configured my reply-to address in
%yarn%\config properly. Before when it was blank, and I did not
receive much junk.

>Reading this thread on modifying the From: header has, i'm afraid, prodded
>me into action, again. I too have often wanted this miraculous ability to
>be able to edit "From:" while editing messages. I too loath spam -- and in
>fact, I hardly get any anymore, with my screwed up headers -- and having
>removed my email address from my web pages...
>But I do feel bad sometimes sending personal email to poor souls who become
>utterly confused -- utterly confused -- they become completely and utterly
>confused -- because of my messed up headers. You wouldn't believe some of
>the experiences i've had, torturing poor unsuspecting people with my
>random, often changing, headers... sometimes quite sad and tragic, in fact.
>ANYHOW... down to business. I have wanted to write this little hack program
>for quite a while, but never got around to it. Seeing people here, finally,
>with the same concerns i finally set to it -- very simple program -- the
>part that took the longest to program is the parsing of its config file.
>And writing up some docs!
>What this program will allow people to do is set up a different "From"
>field for email than is used in usenet (ie, any message where there is a
>"newsgroups" header).
>But, it will also do more -- i like things to be configurable. You can
>configure it to automatically put different "from" fields based on any
>search pattern in your headers... so you could potentially have different
>"From"'s for various newsgroups, or different poeple you email ... whatever
>you want. You can set up to sixty different search patterns! Hopefully
>that's enough for you!
>It's small, it's fast, it's easy to install (i hope). It's yet another
>hack. (-: Where will it all end? It comes in OS/2 and DOS flavours.
>It's not very thoroughly tested. (-: In fact this message i'm writing right
>now is another a test, the last in a series (hopefully) that has been
>ongoing tonight. I wrote the thing over the last two nights, just finishing
>it up tonight earlier... and just want to get it out of my hair... so...
>for those interested... it seems to be working...
>BTW, it's called YARF! (-: Yarf! Yarf!
>Yes, i'll be changing the above "From:" field soon! (-:
> _____________________________________________________________________
> Tim Muddletun =-=-= you do not want to know =-=-= as544
> -=-=-=-= read Notes from Underground by Fyodor Dostoyevsky =-=-=-=-
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> * January 10th * International Day of Impossible Rationality

Phil Crown