Re: REQ: display and allow modifying From: header

From: Aleksandar Ivanisevic (
Date: Wed, 08 Jan 1997 23:06:24 +0100

Chin Huang <> wrote:
>In the %HOME%\yarn\config file, set

Yes, I could guess the reasons why you made the From field hard to
change on the fly, but for me it would be very very *very* :)
convinient to have the posibility to change it easily. Maybe to make
YARN honour From: header if it finds it in the message.

I have several mailboxes, but all mail is forwarded to one. But then
when I have to send e-mail or post a usenet article with another
address, i have to exit yarn, start a batch that alters
%home\yarn\config, and then restart, just to send one %$^$@!
message. And also have to remember to exit and alter it back.

-- (2:381/102.14)
If you cannot convince them, confuse them.          -- Harry S. Truman

XI. Ne gasi radio 101.