Re: Announcements and so forth

From: Debra Walker (
Date: Tue, 07 Jan 1997 20:34:43 -0600

On Sun, 05 Jan 1997 23:35:41 -0500,
in yarn.list,article<dEI0y4q8Pe7A092yn@mt>, gro.oi@mt (---{Q[7]Qo.) wrote:

>Where to start?


>Need to know any more? (-:
>I have put YarnPack into something resembling a "distribution archive".
>There is a dos version in there too now (which isn't tested too much).
>However the dos version is limited in that it will only work on news.dats
>with less than 16,379 articles in them. So if your DOS news.dat is bigger
>than that... you'll have to do some more expiring on it before you can run
>YARNPACK (yarnpack will check the number of articles and not run if there
>are too many articles). (The os/2 version is limited to news.dats with less


>YarnPack is now safer as well. It has a new /i switch which will preform
>four different integrity tests on your news.dat to try and make sure
>everything is kosher before proceding.

Hey, Tim :)... I am giving YarnPack a test drive, here on my system
(486DX66 with 12 MB RAM, OS=Win95). So far, it is running without a
hitch. Last night, I ran YarnPack, and noticed a significant
difference in the size of my news.dat file afterwards. Thanks for
considering us DOS (Win 3.x, Win95) users in your creation of this
nifty utility.


>So anyhow, there you have it. Use at your own risk. All i can tell you is
>that i've been using my Yarnpack for about a week now, daily, and
>everything seems to be working peachy. Yarnpack still could be optimised
>some though -- it still does a lot of inefficient file position seeking...
>maybe later... maybe version 1.1...

Whatever, Tim... I have yet to see any bugs in your program, and I do
not see myself keeping anything close to 16,379 articles in my
news.dat. See, I regularly expire news articles with Yarn.

Anyway... If I DO find any, I will contact you. But, right now, as
they say, it's ALL good :)...

Thanks again.

Debra Walker

Debra Walker
Chicago, IL