Re: Multipart/Alternative

From: walt moffett (
Date: Sat, 04 Jan 1997 10:15:49 -0600

In article <>, (Arnoud "Galactus" Engelfriet) wrote:
>In article <>,
> (Stefan Kapusniak) wrote:
>> In list.yarn, (Mikus Grinbergs) wrote:
>> >I am being FLOODED with a *huge* number of such news articles, and
>> >for *every* one Yarn pops-up a dialog asking "Process MIME Message?"
>> For your scorefile:
>> -100 pattern Header ^Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
>> Also complain to Netscape about their broken newsreader
>> generating such malformed posts.
>Why is a multipart message malformed? It is a nice solution to sending
>messages in multiple formats. In theory, a mailreader should be able
>to pick out the part it supports best (text-readers like Yarn use the
>text/plain version, NS uses the text/html version) and suppress the

The problem lies in that multipart messages take up much more space than
just simply using plain text to compose the message. Somehow, Shakespeare
B1FF were able to make their points without html.

IMAO, most of us have no need to use multipart messages as we rarely post
or mail messages that would benefit from graphics or sound files. And in
usenet, there is the problem of where such posts should go,
alt.multipart.* ? so uucp sites (for example) or any one paying by the
minute for connectivity can easily avoid such posts.

>As usual, though, the theory is nice, but the implementation sucks.

Netscape programming in a nutshell.

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Somebody remind me to set this one day, its a good idea.
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