Re: 'import -r' file format?

Yngvar Folling (
Fri, 25 Oct 1996 17:04:52 +0200 (MET DST)

In article <>, (Hardy Griech) wrote:

> Could you please explain, how a line starting with ">From " will be
> decoded. To my understanding the mailbox format cannot be transparent
> (that's the reasons, why the SOUP->Yarn format of VSoup will change
> from "mn" to "bn" and "un" to "Bn").

As others have said, there doesn't seem to be a way to tell if the > was
inserted by the writer of the message or the mailing software.

I don't know if any software actually does this, and I know how some
people *loathe* Quoted-Printable, but it seems to me that Q-P could
actually solve this problem. If the "F" in the beginning of a "From "
line was converted to "=46", it would not be mistaken for a message
separator by the receiving software, but a Q-P aware mailer (like Yarn)
would convert it back to the exact form in which it was typed.
