Updating newsrc file in souper

Daniel K. Gartmann (gartmann@datashopper.dk)
Thu, 24 Oct 1996 21:07:21 +0200


I recently installed Souper v 0.5 for Windows. I'm using Windows 3.11 for
Workgroups. My only problem is that the program doesn't update the newsrc
file after having downnoaded news. The date and time don't change. And
thus I gather that the file hasn't been edited properly.

Has anybody found a solution to this problem?

P.S: Apart from this the program works fine. How great it is that I can
still use good old Yarn on my ppp account!

Thanks for that!

Daniel K. Gartmann
Herlev, Denmark
E-mail: gartmann@datashopper.dk