Re: Two ?'s

Debra Walker (
Fri, 18 Oct 1996 19:28:46 -0500

On Fri, 18 Oct 1996 15:34:47 +0100, in yarn.list, (rare) wrote:

>1) How come I'm the only one who gets a newsgroups-header in my
> articles to this list? Don't y'all use Yarn's mailing list managing
> tools?

You are not the only one. I, too, have set up the Yarn list messages
to go to a pseudonewsgroup, as per the doc. I can see the X-Newsgroup
line in a header if I hit "V" (I forget if it is upper- or lower-case)
when viewing messages from the list.

>2) What does the "precedence: bulk" header I see sometimes mean? Can it
> contain something else than "bulk"?

Can't help you here...

Debra Walker

Debra Walker
Chicago, IL