Re: VSoup1.2 problems & solutions

rare (
Fri, 18 Oct 1996 21:21:32 +0100 (Hardy Griech) had the nerve to say:

>And this setting is one, the C library of emx09c does not like! I
>suppose, you should set your TZ to 'set tz=CET-1DST' (Denmark seems to
>have the same time zone settings like Germany...)

I think you have to use this TZ line for Danish time:

SET TZ=CET-1CDT,3,-1,0,7200,10,-1,0,10800,3600

..remember that Denmark just accepted this European standardized

MORTEN NIELSEN                                                    /\                                                  /    \                                    /__ /\ __\
"is there anybody out there?"                                   /____\