A Serious bug?!?! It may have happened to you!

Gary H (garyh@sco.COM)
Thu, 17 Oct 1996 11:05:09 -0700

Hi guys/gals,

I was in yarn95 (version .91) today for over an hour replying to email.
When I was done, I transfered my mail to a unix machine to be sent.
As I issued the command to send out my mail I'm given a uqwk status line
that says:

uqwk: Mailing to ...
uqwk: Mailing to ...
uqwk: Mailing to ...

for each mail that goes out. This is normal of course. Anyways, I had one
important piece of email that had to go out today. I didn't see it as one
of the pieces of email that was sent out!

Anyways I go back into yarn and into the reply folder and guess what I noticed?
The email between what was in the reply folder and what was sent out was
mutually exclusive). *ALL* the mail in the YARN reply folder didn't even appear
in the uqwk status line! But the mail that was JUST sent out by uqwk was written
today, but it wasn't in the reply folder Hmmm..... I looked at the zip file and
guess what? There is a MAIL and MAIL.MSG file in my upload zip packet! YARN's
reply folder only listed what was in the "MAIL" file and uqwk only sent out
mail in the "MAIL.MSG" file.

Of course to send mail, I to had rename MAIL to MAIL.MSG (original MAIL.MSG was
already sent). Anyways, this explains why I sometime do not get replies from
people! I don't know how many times this may have happened!

Is this a know bug in YARN95? The only noteworthy event that happened to me
was when I was editing a file, my editor would not come up after yarn or my
editor aborted my previous reply message. Anyways, after some investigation
I noticed that ALL the new messages were put in a file called MAIL not
MAIL.MSG, thus the problem.

Anyone run into this problem? Is there a fix? This may have happened to you
and you may not have known it!
