Re: 3 questions/problems/suggestions about v. 0.91

Henrik Roseno (
Thu, 17 Oct 1996 17:32:36 +0200 (Henrik Roseno) wrote:
>3. Approximately at the time of my upgrade to v. 0.91 I started to get
> many "duplicate articles rejected". Generally more than a third of
> the imported articles are duplicate. For instance:
> 64 articles accepted - 49 duplicate articles rejected
> or
> 24 articles accepted - 14 duplicate articles rejected
> or even
> 44 articles accepted - 77 duplicate articles rejected
> Is it Yarn v. 0.91 that doesn't work, or is it UQWK or my
> news-server that has problems?

Now the server has admitted that they had the problem!

Venlig hilsen

| Henrik Roseno, MSc. | Markmandsgade 14, | e-mail: | Tel: (+45) 3295 0558 | 2300 Copenhagen S. | PS: It can take a few days, | FAX: on request | DENMARK | before I read my e-mail