Re: Any info on WinYarn?

0 (ten.eerfrot@445sa)
Tue, 15 Oct 1996 09:41:18 -0400

Mon, 14 Oct 1996 19:26:41 -1200, (William Lau) wrote:
>1. What is winyarn? Is it any good?

It's only a "front end" to Yarn, is what i understand. I have no idea if
it's any good having not tried it.

>2. Can you send me the file? (email me 1st I dont want to be mail bombed!)

You can get it from the official yarn web site:

>3. Is there a windows package out there which does as good a job as yarn?

Not that i've come across.

>4. What is the best offline SOUP message based reader out there?


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