Re: score file questions

Yngvar Folling (
Wed, 9 Oct 1996 17:23:10 +0200 (MET DST)

In article <>,
"" (Claus Thoegersen) (Claus Thoegersen) wrote:

> Today I have again looked a little on the possibility of using score
> files in yarn, dos version 088.
> I suppose that the scorings only is checked with new mail-news
> packages,

You suppose wrong. I think Yarn 0.88 recalculated the score values
every time you entered a newsgroup, so old score values would change to
reflect the new score settings.

*Later* versions of Yarn save the calculated score values in a
subdirectory of your home directory called "YARN\SCORES\SAVED", but the
only visible change is that a newsgroup loads much faster if the score
settings have *not* changed. If they have changed, the old score values
are recalculated as well as the new ones.

> When I enter
> strings they contain words not exact phrases, I suppose that the
> system works so that when ever the word in a string is encountered
> the message will be marked. I would like to know a little bit more
> about how to use the regular expressions.

Well, if you want to match a word, but *don't* want a match if the
characters just happen to appear inside a larger word, you can enclose
it with \b, such as this:


Matches the word "pin," but *not* "opinion." Remember to specify
"pattern," or the \b will be taken literally instead.

> Finally I
> would like to be sure that the rule is actually used, something like
> a message after import saying that in all or certain newsgroups
> articles has been scored rejected or whatever, so you can check that
> the scoring actually work the way they are intented to.

But the scoring is *not* done when you import the message, but when you
enter the newsgroup in Yarn. It has to be done that way, as long as
Yarn supports multiple users, since different users may have different
score rules.
