Re: Append different SIGs to news and mail

0 (gro.oi@mt)
Wed, 09 Oct 1996 08:09:24 -0400

(sorry if i already posted this -- a bit of a mess up here... not sure if
last message went out... reposting)

Sun, 06 Oct 1996 19:13:30 +0200, (Stefan Behrens) wrote:
>I want to append different SIGs to mail and news-postings.
>Maybe this would be possible with YEP, but how ?

Make your yarn SIG to look like this (only change angle brackets to curly


Now create the two sig files "c:\path\newsgroup.sig" and the "mail.sig".

What the above does is:
- set the YEP global flag to false (that line will not be printed)
- check if there is a newsgroup with a "." in it. Since all newsgroups
contain a period somewhere in them if there is any newsgroup: header
we will get a match. If there is then then newsgroup.sig is imported.
- check if the global flag is still false (it will be true if the previous
"IF" made a match), if it's false then no Newsgroup match was made
so the mail.sig will be imported.

  Tam Meddleton =As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning=
  -=-=-= begging you to read Till We Have Faces by C. S. Lewis =-=-=-
   * October 9th * International Day of Wearing Someone Else's Shoes