Re: score file questions

0 (gro.oi@mt)
Wed, 09 Oct 1996 08:01:45 -0400

Sat, 28 Sep 1996 09:44:17 -0100, Claus Thoegersen wrote:
>I suppose that the scorings only is checked with new mail-news
>packages, but I would like to be able to have my existing newsbase
>scored according to my new rules, is it possible? When I enter

Scoring has nothing to do with the "import" process. All newsgroups will be
re-scored when you enter them. Try it and see. Go into a newsgroup, pick
any message, hit shift-E, add a person's name to your score file with a big
score, exit the newsgorup, reenter the newsgropu right away...

  Tym Middleton =-= not all who wander are lost =-=
  -=-= read Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll many many times =-=-
   * October 9th * International Day of Tilting at Windmills