Re: Setting up mailing list with Yarn

Bob Paddock (
Mon, 07 Oct 1996 21:06:24 -0400

>>Has anyone set up Yarn to send out multiple email messages? I want to
>>send out mailings to a user group that I belong to and would prefer not
>>to hae a To: header with 20 or 30 email addresses in it.
>>Is there a simpler way to do this?

>Interesting. I posted a very similar msg a few weeks back. Seems like you
>just need to use the alias feature. Too bad there isn't an easier way to
>maintain a group of people on your mailing list with yarn.

I've yet to be able to get YARN.091 to let me send to
multiple people with one alias.

Any one know how to do it, and has had it work? I've seen
several postings saying 'try this' but when I do they don't work.