Re: ANNOUNCE: VSoup version 1.2 for OS/2 Warp

Hardy Griech (
Mon, 07 Oct 1996 13:40:29 +0200

On Mon, 07 Oct 1996 21:12:08 -0400, (Michael Raiteri) wrote:
> Please post the result as I use emx90b and don't want to change to
> version c.

Somebody mailed me, that it works with emx09b (but no guarantee for

> BTW can anyone tell me if ver 1.2 is any quicker or more stable than
> 1.1b. I'm one ofd the old school "if she ain't broke ........."
> ver 1.1b works fine here and was just wondering if it was worthwhile
> changing to 1.2

It is perhaps faster, if you are retrieving a lot of small NGs.
VSoup1.1 read one group after the other. V1.2 is capable of reading
groups in parallel. I.e. in 1.1 it was possible that only 1 thread
was active although 5 were connected. 1.2 tries to keep them all
busy. See my original post were I have quoted parts of the README.
If you are using YarnIo (or if you like to), the new version will be
of interest for you, because there are heavy changes according YarnIo
configuration, which should make it easier to install.

Hardy Griech, Kurt-Schumacher-Str. 25/1, D-72762 Reutlingen