Re: ANNOUNCE: VSoup version 1.2 for OS/2 Warp

Michael Raiteri (
Mon, 07 Oct 1996 21:12:08 -0400 (Jim Holcomb) wrote:
>In article <>, you wrote:
>>On Sun, 06 Oct 1996 21:29:17 +0000, (Jim Holcomb) wrote:
>> :
>>> emx09c broke VSoup for me under Merlin and I know it has caused
>>> problems with other programs (less, for one). I've gone back to 09b
>>> and VSoup works fine.
>> :
>>You mean, VSoup1.2 works fine with the emx09b runtime? That's great
>>to have it verified! I have linked VSoup1.2 statically, so it only
>>requires the emx.dll (if I am not completely wrong). I think/hope the
>>emx.dll is compatible between the two versions...
>No, sorry, I haven't tried 1.2 yet. Maybe tonight ...
>Jim Holcomb
>Cary, NC, USA

Please post the result as I use emx90b and don't want to change to
version c.

BTW can anyone tell me if ver 1.2 is any quicker or more stable than
1.1b. I'm one ofd the old school "if she ain't broke ........."
ver 1.1b works fine here and was just wondering if it was worthwhile
changing to 1.2


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