Re: VSoup: v1.2 smtp bug?

Hardy Griech (
Mon, 07 Oct 1996 09:31:24 +0200

On Sun, 06 Oct 1996 21:05:20 -0500, (Phil Crown) wrote:
> I can download mail and news fine with VSoup v1.2
> However, I cannot send mail with VSoup v1.2. I had to send this with
> v1.1 beta.
> Here's my command line, and results. I also tried removing the nntp://
> option, but still can't send mail.
> Is this a bug?
> vsoup -i -M -s smtp:// nntp://
> Expecting SMTP 250 reply, got 501 HELO requires domain name as operand
> Disconnecting from
> vsoup: cannot connect to smtp gateway
> vsoup: totally 161 bytes received, 17 bytes transmitted
> vsoup: 1.3s elapsed, throughput 136 bytes/s

That's not a bug, that's funny, really funny! The VSoup1.1 beta has
no problem with the command above, because there is a bug in the
corresponding code - I've send something about it several days ago:
VSoup1.1 does not ignore the '-i' switch, but the 1.2 version does!
And now there is no way to tell VSoup1.2 the domain name other then
using the 'internet settings'!. I never thought about that case...

As a temporary fix, you should remove the '-i' switch from your
command line. In a future version there will be a command line option
for telling VSoup the domain name.

Hey, I think, this is also missing in Souper!?

Hardy Griech, Kurt-Schumacher-Str. 25/1, D-72762 Reutlingen