Re: Delayed edit?

Salustiano Villanueva (
Sat, 05 Oct 1996 19:45:15 -0300 (R. R. Ronkin) wrote:

>Often, I want to interrupt the composition of an article or message

This is what I do (using EPM as editor):

I save the message/s I want to answer to a *file* pressing "w" or
"W" and entering a path and name for it/them, for example for this
reply I save your original mail to: E:\YARN\DELAYED\RRONKIN.HLD.

Then I open EPM and start writing my answer in that file.
In this way I can take all the time I want, without stopping sending and
collecting mail: there is no risk of unwanted transmission.

Finally, when the answer is ready to be sent, I save the file
(<RRONKIN.HLD> in this example), close down EPM, start Yarn, and
initiate one of the normal message sending procedures (either pressing
"r" or "R".

When Yarn opens its EPM's session with a fresh <MESSAGE.SND> file, I
move the insertion point to where I want the previously prepared text to
be inserted, select "File", then "Import text file...", then
<RRONKIN.HLD>, then "OK", and get the delayed answer already inserted.

(Note that if you choose "r" you'll have to mark as quoted the
lines you want so, of the originally saved message, ITOH, if you choose
"R" you'll have to delete *all* the originally saved message, since it
will be inserted again by Yarn --duly marked as quoted--).

Then, after a last check to be sure it is free of (almost all) unwanted
repetitions, I press F4 to save the message (now as <MESSAGE.SND> in
Yarn's domains) and return to Yarn screen from were I "Send" it.

Putting it by writing makes it look a lot more complicated than it
really is.

Hope you find it useful.

Salustiano Villanueva (
Buenos Aires, Argentina