ANNOUNCE: PC Yarn v0.92 - SOUP offline reader for OS/2 and Windows 95

Chin Huang (
Sat, 31 Aug 1996 13:10:27 -0400

[ Sorry, I'm delaying the release of the MS-DOS version. I'm waiting for a
developer to give me the MS-DOS yarn.exe executable. ]

PC Yarn is a suite of programs used to store and read USENET news and
mail offline. The supported platforms are OS/2 character mode and
Windows 95 console mode.


- Optimized updating of message status flags when exiting a folder.

- To enable support for the ISO-8859/2 character set, put the line

charset = iso-8859-2

in the CONFIG file and set the code page to 852.

- Fix: The 'V' command at the article selection level produced garbage
score values.

- Fix: Now don't display the thread tree when sorting the article list
by score.

The software is available from