ANNOUNCE: Souper for Windows 3.1/Winsock 0.5 (Mail and news packer).

Robert P. Rush (
Sat, 24 Aug 1996 19:28:42 -0500

I have uploaded to the following site:

<> (available now)

Souper for Windows is a Winsock compliant mail and news client program
for Microsoft Windows using SLIP/PPP. It transfers mail and news
fetched from a POP3 server and NNTP server respectively to SOUP
format. It can also send messages in SOUP reply packets.

This program has been written for Windows 3.1 and requires a "winsock.dll"
supporting version 1.1 of the Windows Sockets Interface.

- Fix: A GPF would be caused when displaying an error message.

There is also a version for OS/2 Warp's Internet Access Kit. This
version was ported by Bob Rush to Windows / winsock from the OS/2
version written by Chin Huang <>.

Freeware. Uploaded by the author.

You may also want to check out the Web site:


Bob Rush                    | eschew obfuscation                |
<> |

There are some things that are so serious you can only joke about them. -- Niels Bohr