Re: Souper Gets Same Messages Again & Again

Jim Fowler (
Thu, 22 Aug 1996 19:46:33 -0400 (EDT)

On Thu, 22 Aug 1996, Lawrence D. Haber wrote:

> I have been a (successful)OS/2 user of yarn and souper but have recently
> needed to move back to DOS. In so doing I picked up the ms-dos version
> of yarn and Bob Rush's Souper for windows.
> I am using one news group as a test(comp.os.os2.announce) which is set up
> in my home directory in the newsrc file. I am able to get the
> articles(say 35), but I do not appear to be tracking the message numbers
> obtained. Consequently, every time I run souper I am getting the same
> message again and again.
> I have tried to check everything in my setup/config and all looks
> correct. I am certain there is sometime silly that I am overlooking. I
> would really appreciate some help here.
> regards,
> Larry Haber


I made a setup error under OS/2 once that resulted in almost the same
symptoms. The cause of the problem was that I was allowing Souper and
Yarn to use the same newsrc file. Make sure you're not doing this.
They should each have their own separate newsrc files as they use
them for slightly different purposes.

Jim Fowler