Souper Gets Same Messages Again & Again

Lawrence D. Haber (
Thu, 22 Aug 1996 07:16:31 -0700

I have been a (successful)OS/2 user of yarn and souper but have recently
needed to move back to DOS. In so doing I picked up the ms-dos version
of yarn and Bob Rush's Souper for windows.

I am using one news group as a test(comp.os.os2.announce) which is set up
in my home directory in the newsrc file. I am able to get the
articles(say 35), but I do not appear to be tracking the message numbers
obtained. Consequently, every time I run souper I am getting the same
message again and again.

I have tried to check everything in my setup/config and all looks
correct. I am certain there is sometime silly that I am overlooking. I
would really appreciate some help here.

Larry Haber