Re: Yarn and OS/2 Merlin Voice Navigation. Brilliant!

Richard Steiner (
Wed, 14 Aug 1996 22:45:10 -0500

Here in list.yarn, (Phillip Deackes) spake unto us,

>In article <Pine.SV4.3.91.960813164820.17876B-100000@mirage>,
>Richard Steiner <> wrote:
>>Will it work when the applications are fullscreen? Or just when they're
>>in windows on the desktop?
>>It sounds cool! :-)
>I've just tried it fullscreen and it doesn't appear to work :-( Since
>I never use fullscreen OS/2 sessions it doesn't bother me.

Hmmm. I use fullscreen sessions rather heavily. Hmmm. :-) Guess I
gotta wait until I get my own copy, and if it won't work I'll have to
make some...adjustments...

>Full-screen I see fewer lines than this anyhow (no doubt I could change
>this if necessary).

Yes, the MODE command here supports up to 60 lines in fullscreen.

-Rich Steiner  >>>--->  >>>---> Bloomington, MN
      Written offline using PC Yarn + Yep + FTE under OS/2 Warp
      I am the dragon.  You are not the dragon.  Any questions?