Re: Install metamail; help.

Michael Gray (
Sat, 03 Aug 1996 15:31:54 -0500

In article <+yh/>, (R. R. Ronkin) wrote:
>I received a 500 kB message from a friend; it was encoded to ASCII
>garbage and Yarn did not decode it. An extract of the message header
> <el snippo>
>I suspected the problem was lack of metamail or similar software. So I
>downloaded the os/2 version of and tried to execute
>metamail.exe, only to be told the system couldn't find the program file
>emx.exe. So now I have 2 questions:
>1. Do I need emx, which is a massive software tool?

I think this has already been answered, but no. Try the emxrt runtime

>2. If I install metamail in Yarn's config file, how can I get it to
>operate on the message that already has been received and imported?

Since you referred to EMX, I am assuming you're using OS/2. The
versions of metamail I tried worked fine, but choked on multi-part
binaries. Someone here on the list recommended munpack. I got it
locally, but look on Hobbes or do an archie search for it. It works
well most of the time, but it writes to the home directory rather than
the default directory set in your config.

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* * mean they're not out to get you      *
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