Rebuild options

Michael Gray (
Sat, 03 Aug 1996 15:02:23 -0500

Over the last month or so, something has crashed Yarn 3 times. Once,
I was getting attribution errors, twice the pointers in one of the
files (?history?) have pointed to an unrelated article. Each time
I've run rebuild and recovered the files, but with the inevitable
reset of expire dates. If I remember right, in the first case, I
rebuilt with the -s parameter and -o in the other cases (not enough
disk space to run -o) with v0.91 (gotta change the Yep header - anyone
know how to get Yep to automatically detect yarn and yep versions?)
For some reason, this also changes the read flag for my newsgroups
also. Which of the rebuild flags will fix these problems without
causing the read flag reset?

*                  * Just because you're paranoid doesn't *
* * mean they're not out to get you      *
"Life has a great deal up its sleeve."