The Missing Dollars

Albert Lai

The Guests, The Bellhop, And The Pizza

Three guests went to a hotel and gave $ to the bellhop to buy pizza. The pizza cost only $. Of the $5 change, the bellhop kept $ to himself and returned $3 to the guests.

So the guests spent $27, and the bellhop pocketed $2. Now $27+$2=$29. Where did the missing $1 go!

Try to play with different values! Suggestions:
guests gave $30, the pizza cost $1, and the bellhop pocketed $2.
guests gave $30, the pizza cost $1, and the bellhop pocketed $26.
or basically any crazy values!

Borrowed Money

Albert borrowed $ from his parents and then bought a camera for $. Of the $3 change, he kept $ to himself and returned $2 to his parents.

So Albert owed $98 and pocketed $1. Now $98+$1=$99. Where did the missing $1 go!

Try to play with different values! Suggestions:
Albert borrowed $100, the camera cost $97, and Albert pocketed $2.
Albert borrowed $30, the camera cost $25, and Albert pocketed $2.
or basically any crazy values!
