This is my non-toy Gtk2Hs exercise. I will explain more in the future.
User manual: The GUI presents an input text box, an output text box,
and control buttons. If you input text (may be multi-line) into the input
box and press “enter”, the text is given to a String->String
function, and its return value is shown in the output box. If the function
aborts, the error text is shown instead. If the function takes
too long, you may press “break” to stop it. Close the window to quit the
program. Limitation: if the return value is an infinite string, no output
is shown, and you have to press “break” to stop.
Concepts: text boxes, buttons, event handling, various layouts, full evaluation, exception handling, multi-threading, STM
Build environment at the time of writing: GHC 6.12.3, mtl-, stm-, gtk-0.12.0
The main program is as simple as this. Remember to link with -threaded.
Bool f n = and [n `mod` d /= 0 | d <- [2..n-1]] -- or generally any time-consuming partial function ]]>
The GeeInteract module:
(String -> String) -> IO () interact1 title f = do initGUI -- essential elements inpbuf <- textBufferNew Nothing inp <- textViewNewWithBuffer inpbuf outbuf <- textBufferNew Nothing out <- textViewNewWithBuffer outbuf inpbut <- buttonNewWithLabel "enter" brkbut <- buttonNewWithLabel "break" brkbut `set` [widgetSensitive := False] clrbut <- buttonNewWithLabel "clear" clobut <- buttonNewWithLabel "clear" abortbox <- newEmptyTMVarIO jobbox <- newEmptyTMVarIO inpbut `on` buttonActivated $ do inpbut `set` [widgetSensitive := False] brkbut `set` [widgetSensitive := True] x <- get inpbuf textBufferText textBufferSetText outbuf "" atomically (putTMVar jobbox (f x)) brkbut `on` buttonActivated $ do atomically (putTMVar abortbox ()) clrbut `on` buttonActivated $ do textBufferSetText inpbuf "" widgetGrabFocus inp clobut `on` buttonActivated $ do textBufferSetText outbuf "" widgetGrabFocus inp let enable_input = do inpbut `set` [widgetSensitive := True] brkbut `set` [widgetSensitive := False] widgetGrabFocus inp supervisor_thread <- forkIO $ forever $ do fx <- atomically (takeTMVar jobbox) dropbox <- newEmptyTMVarIO work_thread <- forkIO (compute fx (atomically . putTMVar dropbox)) c <- atomically ((takeTMVar abortbox >> return Nothing) `orElse` (Just `fmap` takeTMVar dropbox)) case c of Nothing -> do killThread work_thread postGUIAsync enable_input Just y -> postGUIAsync $ do textBufferSetText outbuf (either show id y) enable_input -- placement elements inpframe <- text_and_but inp [clrbut, inpbut, brkbut] "input" outframe <- text_and_but out [clobut] "output" pane <- vPanedNew panedPack1 pane inpframe True True panedPack2 pane outframe True True top <- windowNew set top [windowTitle:=title, windowDefaultWidth:=640, windowDefaultHeight:=480] top `on` deleteEvent $ liftIO (mainQuit >> return False) containerAdd top pane widgetGrabFocus inp widgetShowAll top mainGUI text_and_but text buts title = do scroll <- scrolledWindowNew Nothing Nothing containerAdd scroll text row <- hBoxNew False 2 boxSetHomogeneous row False boxPackStart row scroll PackGrow 0 butsbox <- vButtonBoxNew set butsbox [boxSpacing := 2, buttonBoxLayoutStyle := ButtonboxStart] forM_ buts (containerAdd butsbox) boxPackStart row butsbox PackNatural 0 frame <- frameNew set frame [frameLabel := title, frameShadowType := ShadowIn] containerAdd frame row return frame compute fx reply = try_all (Ex.evaluate (seq_all fx)) >>= reply try_all :: IO a -> IO (Either Ex.SomeException a) try_all = Ex.try seq_all xs = go xs `seq` xs where go [] = () go (x:xs) = x `seq` go xs ]]>
I have more Haskell Notes and Examples