Transsexual Menace - Toronto News Info Rights Links Menace Contact Us
The NEW "Families in TRANSition" Group is an 8 week psycheducational and support program for parents whose youth (14-25) have fairly *newly* come out as trans.
The FIT group will be co-facilitated by Dr. Nicola Brown, psychologist at CTYS, and Catherine, Founder of Transceptance. The program will run Tuesdays from 7-8:30 at CTYS and we are currently looking for parents who might find a group like this useful. This is a closed group (i.e., not a drop-in like Transceptance) so parents must register in advance.
The Transceptance group continues to meet the last Thursday of the month as part of this continnum of services for parents. As part of the partnership, the Transceptance group will now be meeting at CTYS and will be co-facilitated by CTYS staff and Laurie from Transceptance.
For more information, contact:
Dr. Nicola Brown
Researcher, Pride and Prejudice
Central Toronto Youth Services
416.924.2100 Ext 249
ReachOUT is a creative, inclusive & accessible program for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, two-spirit, intersex, queer and questioning youth in north Toronto. This includes drop-in groups, community outreach, counselling, art & skills exchange. We offer a safe space for all youth that reflects the diversity of our queer and trans communities. Individual and family counselling is available from staff who have expertise in working with LGBT youth and their families.
Offers the following groups:
1) YAP! (Youth Arts Project): a weekly arts-based drop-in group for LGBTQ youth. Snacks and TTC tokens provided. Runs Wednesdays 6:00pm - 8:30pm. 24 Silverview Drive (close to Finch subway station). Please contact for additional information.
2) Compass: a weekly social discussion group for LGBTQ youth with intellectual disabilities. Snacks and TTC tokens provided. Runs Thursdays 4:30pm - 7:00pm. 24 Silverview Drive (close to Finch subway station). Please contact for additional information.
3) Not Pink!: a weekly social group for LGBTQ youth of colour who live in the Northwest region of Toronto and surrounding areas. Runs Tuesday evenings. Time and location confidential. Please contact for additional information.
Griffin Centre is a non-profit charitable mental health agency providing flexible and accessible services to youth, adults and their families. Our mission is to promote positive change for vulnerable youth and adults with mental health challenges and/or developmental disabilities and their families. We are dedicated to delivering innovative services and developing creative partnerships that enhance lives and communities.
Speak Out! is a free group for queer and trans youth 25 and under who are interested in advocacy within the LGBTQ community.
Whatever 'advocacy' means to you - whether you want to work to change our world for the better, have something to say about the roles and experiences of queer and trans youth, or just want a place to connect with other LGBTQ young people - this group is for you!
Fun, Food, Friendship, AND Social Change! Facilitated by Krys McGuire and Matthew
Tuesday evenings 6:30-8:30pm
CTYS, 65 Wellesley St East (corner of Church and Wellesley), suite 300
To register or for more info, please contact Krys or Matthew at
or phone 416-924-2100 x229
Refugee Peer Support Group
Are you an LGBTTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, transgender, queer) refugee? Let's help each other find ways to cope with the stress, isolation and issues related to our refugee process. Among Friends offers a free space for refugee support at The 519 Church St. Community Centre on the:
2nd and 4th Friday of each month from 8:00pm to 10:00pm
For more information please contact
Diego Macias,, 416-392-6874 x130
Power Plays: Queer and Trans Youth Resist Hate
Power Plays: Queer and Trans Youth Resist Hate is focused on supporting youth who have experienced violence, harassment and bullying on the basis of sexual identity, gender identity and/or gender expression.
The project consists of three key elements: individual and group supports, skill building, and community development. While recognizing the critical need to respond to individual victims, this project will also provide opportunities for our communities to address hate-motivated violence together.
We offer the following:
Counselling: Confidential individual counselling will be offered to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, two-spirit, intersex, queer and questioning (LGBTTT2IQQ) youth under 30 years of age in a safe, supportive and inclusive environment. Our team of LGBT staff are experienced trauma counsellors and have training in a variety of therapeutic modalities including CBT and narrative approaches.
Holistic Self Defense: A free six-week holistic self-defense course will build on participants existing confidence to create better awareness, avoidance and verbal strategies for dealing with homophobia and transphobia. Physical techniques will be based on natural body movements that can be easily practiced.
Interactive Workshops: Expressive arts activities from do-it-yourself media, resistance jewellery making, and physical theatre are designed to promote resiliency and empower queer and trans youth to resist hate.
Narrative Video: We will work collaboratively with youth to create a short narrative digital video that documents the experiences of youth participants and the skills they learn to address hate motivated violence. This video will be utilized as a training tool for LGBTTT2IQQ youth and service providers within the province of Ontario. Upon completion of the project, the video will be made available online for free viewing and download.
Funding for this Project is provided by the Government of Ontario, Ministry of the Attorney General, Ontario Victim Services Secretariat Community Grants Program. The views and opinions expressed in this publication/web site do not necessarily reflect those of the Government of Ontario.
For additional information please contact:
Tess Vo Project Coordinator, Power Plays: Queer and Trans Youth Resist Hate
ReachOUT Program
griffin centre 24 Silverview Drive North York ON M2M 2B3
Tel: (416) 222-1320 ext. 171
Fax: (416) 222-1321
Trans-Only Time @ ERC
Trans-only time at the Employment Resource Centre 100 Lombard St - #102
South of Richmond, between Church & Jarvis.
Time to use computers, internet, printing, photocopying, fax, make local phone calls, resource books & videos, and job search help.
Mondays 1:30 - 4:30pm : 100 Lombard St. #102
Thrive! is a group focusing on employability skills, work and housing issues for trans-folk to build skills and opportunities.
Mondays 2 - 4pm : 100 Lombard #102
Join us for food and an opportunity to find out more about our services.
Trans- and very-trans-positive staff will be here to assist.
We look forward to seeing you!
Call 416-364-8986 x506 or email Holden Keys for more info
Robert Gouldstone RN,DCM,CCMA(C) wishes to inform us of the cessation of Transgender services with Westdale Womens Clinic and Dr. Linda Keeton. He asks that anyone with an interest please email him at with letters of support as he will be contacting the Ministry of Health and other provincial organizations to request a funded program.
Services will continue but unfortunatly on a private basis.
TransCare Clinic - Trans-Health Services for the Niagara Region URGENT ANNOUNCEMENT!
Request for a Transpositive physician/ Medical Director
Robert Gouldstone is the founder and Clinical Director of the TransCare Clinics. This entity was formed one year ago and, to date, has been successful in assisting an increasing caseload of Transgender clients in the Niagara Region, who are unable to access medical Trans services in the Toronto region (due to geographic catchment restrictions imposed by Toronto-based health centres and/or long-distance travel limitations).
It is with regret that Robert Gouldstone announces the cessation of services due to the decision by the present Medical Director to leave the clinic, and therefore, OHIP coverage for client services is no longer available. Counselling will be available on a private basis, with the hope that alternate premises and a new physician/medical director will be found.
He welcomes any referrals, suggestions or assistance in the hope that clinical services can be reinstated for those Trans clients so desperately in need of accessible, transpositive, medical and counselling supports.
He sends his sincere apologies to all-present and future clients for any disruption caused by this sad state of affairs.
For more information, please contact:
or visit the website at
Robert Gouldstone, RN, DCM,CCMA(C)
2303 Smithville Road
Smithville, ON L0R 2A0
Clinical Director- Clinical Nurse Specialist
(905) 957-9248
Are you struggling with Substance Use?
Join Our Weekly
Community Withdrawal Management Program
Specifically for people who identify as
Male to Female or Trans
(Gender Queer, Women with Transsexual History)
Tuesdays from 1PM to 3PM
The 519 Church St. Community Centre 519 Church Street (at Wellesley St. E.)
•Educational support groups with information about Post Acute Withdrawal, Self Care, Self Esteem and Arts/Crafts.
•Auricular-Acupuncture can be administered to help with cravings, anxiety, and sleeplessness.
•You can join anytime.
partnership with The Trans Programmes of The 519 Community Centre
Contact Yasmeen 416.392.6878 x 126
and Women’s Own Withdrawal Management Centre
Contact Tina 416.603.1462
The Barrie TS/TG group.
Our meeting dates are: April 20th - May 18th - June 15th - July 20th - August
17th - September 21st - October 19th - November 16th - December 21st
will be held at club Cest La Vie in Barrie from 7:30 pm to 9 pm
and admirers are not welcomed within our group. Screening will be done.
Email Subscribe:
Sheena Brooks, facilitator, would like to welcome all transgendered and transsexual
people no matter what path each is on and no matter where on the gender spectrum
each lies.
Crossdresser, Pre-op, Post-op, Non-op, Transsexual, Male to Female
or Female to Male. You can contact Sheena by e-mail at
is a group for bio-born females
or people assigned the gender of female at birth who feel that this does not best
describe their gender identity.
It is intended to create space for people who fall in-between female and ftm or are questioning their gender or consider themselves gender queer, androgynous, trans, non-gendered ...
This will be a place for people to explore, express and question their gender in a non-judgemental environment.
Our first meeting will be on Wednesday January 4th from 8-10pm at the 519 Church St. Community Centre. Subsequent meetings will be at the same location on the first Wednesday of the month from 8-10pm.
Any questions
about the group can be sent to me Sarah Anderson
There are a couple of support
groups in the Montreal region for Transsexual people. The ASTT(e)Q
group meets every monday evening at 7pm ... it's a transsexual/transvestite support
group. Juliette, the coordinator of the group can be reached by email:
If the individual is younger than 25, then she/he can contact Project
10 by email at:
This person if transsexual identified can also contact:
Torchlight Gender Support - Cambridge meet on the first Monday of the month at Wesley United Church, 6 Cambridge St., Cambridge, ON at 7 p.m. in the Ladies Parlour. The group is open to those with GID who are transitioning, their friends, family and employers. For information email
* Starting Tues., Sept. 30, 2003, we will be running again our 12-week group for youth 25 and under who identify as transsexual, transgendered, genderqueer, "two-spirited," intersexed or questioning...
* The group will aim to help meet the challenges of being a young transperson, and of transitioning, and will offer a safe place to get support, share concerns with others, hear about trans life from people who've been there, get the latest information and resources on transitioning and on health issues, etc. The group will be closed to 10 participants and will run Tuesdays (6:30 - 8:30 pm).
* TransFormations is a joint initiative sponsored by Central Toronto Youth Services (Pride & Prejudice Program) and Sherbourne Health Centre.
* To schedule an orientation interview (Tues., Sept. 9, 16 or 23), please contact: Rupert Raj: (416) 324-4174, or LeeAndra Miller: (416) 924-2100, ext. 25
RAAFT - the Rainbow Association of Alternative Families Together (formerly Rainbow Services Network)
Their email is and their new phone number is 416-621-0167
RAAFT is a new gay and trans positive counseling, advocacy, referrals, relationship workshops, diversity training, pet programs and daycare facility.
Egale and the Trans Committee is creating a Trans e-list to provide a forum for communication for Trans Communities and their families. This list will facilitate the identification and discussion of issues for the Trans Committee.
If you would like to join this group email with: sub trans in the BODY of the message. Do not include any other comments in your email. This is an automated system so you must enter the information exactly as shown or the computer won't understand.
If you require further information please contact: Susan Gapka, Trans Committee Chair, or Chris Boodram, Egale Staff Support,
SOY - Support Our Youth - Working together to improve the quality of life for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth.
TransFusion Crew is a grass-roots activist project that works to create social and political spaces that speak to the concerns, struggles, and victories of transsexual, transgendered, 2-spirited, intersexed people and allies. They meet regularly on Thursdays from 7pm to 9pm at SOY to plan events and make community. Are you trans or a trans ally? Wanna check out TFC? Call Supporting Our Youth at 416-924-2100 x 264 to find out about their next meeting.
SUPPORTING OUR YOUTH SEEKS MENTORS - Their mentoring program matches Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered and Transsexual youth 14 - 25 years with supportive adult mentors. Can you see yourself: Being a part of an innovative community development program that builds commections across the generations? Spending time with a young person on a regular basis? Helping a young person learn more about their identity and community? Interested in getting involved? Contact Leslie Chudnovsky 416-924-2100 x247 or email
The Female-to-Male Transsexual/Transgender
Peer Support Group meets at 7:30pm on the first
and third Friday of each month at the 519 Church Street Community Centre in Toronto.
All those who were born female/intersex and raised female
but don't identify as female (or women) are welcome. Whether you identify as male,
boy/boi, FTM transsexual or transgender, transman, tranny-fag, two-spirited, or
are questioning your gender, you are invited to come share your experiences in
a supportive environment. You don't have to transition or plan to transition to
attend. Get support, give support or just hang out and listen.
Phone: (416) 392-6878 x325.
GBLT Youth line - The Youth Line is a phone line for youth in Ontario, Canada You are not alone! You can call the Lesbian Gay Bi Youth Line at 1-800-268-YOUTH (1-800-268-9688) across Ontario, or (416) 962-YOUTH (962-9688) in the 416/905 local calling area.
416 - Transgendered Youth Group. Meets Thursdays 5 - 8 pm
at 416 Dundas St. E
For more information call Scott at (416) 928-3334.
519 Church Street Community Centre is located, where else? 519 Church Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (416) 392-6874. It is located in the heart of Toronto's gay community, playing host to Toronto's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Pride Day parade! (I love the all-inclusive name.) Also in the official Pride programme, the Dyke March specifically included the transgendered.
There is a new drop-in for Asian transsexual / transgendered women every last Thursday of the month at the Asian Community AIDS Services at 33 Isabella Street #107 in Toronto Please call Nora Angeles at (416) 963-4300.
Meal-Trans meets on Monday nights from 6-10 p.m. at the 519 Church St. Community Center. It's a drop-in for low income and street-active TS/TG people. They offer free healthy meals, as well as workshops, talks, speakers, films, and other activities on a weekly basis. The Meal-Trans Outreach Programme distributes free condoms and lube to transsexual and transgendered sex workers. The outreach worker also provides safer sex information on HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections, peer support, advice and referrals. The programme also developed The Happy Transsexual Hooker: a healthy resource guide for transsexual and transgendered sex workers, distributed free of charge. Public Education Meal Trans can assist organizations to better serve the TS/TG community. They have a comprehensive resource collection and can work out a training plan for staff of shelters and detox centres. Contact Christina at (416) 392-6878 ext. 104 or Monica at ext. 305.
As usual, Meal Trans, a drop-in for lower-income, street involved, and sex working transgendered and transsexual people in Toronto, takes place every Monday (barring holidays) and we feature a hot healthy nutritious meal, a peer support team to help talk you through life's little challenges, a legal clinic (with a great batch of volunteers from Downtown Legal Services!) and a housing clinic (with an amazing woman who joins us from Fred Victor Housing Support Access Services).
We ALSO feature some great activities! Over the last month we've done some great art projects, had workshops on legal issues, and more!
TYT is open to anyone age 27 and under who is trans or exploring their gender
identity and runs every Wednesday night from 5pm to 9pm.
The Transition Support Group meets on the 2nd and 4th Friday of the month at the 519 Church St. Community Center. The group is a place where transsexuals and transgendered individuals can find support and discuss issues and subjects relevant to their lives in a safe and secure environment. Both Female to Male and Male to Female TS/TG people welcome. For more information call (416) 925-XTRA (9872) and choose 1, 2121 or contact the 519 at (416) 392-6878 ext. 104.
The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, formerly the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, has a Gender Identity Clinic that runs The Support Group and a more inclusive new website. Their LesBiGay Service, also provides counselling and programming for gay, lesbian, bi,and transpeople who are concerned about their drug and alcohol use and a NEW group for significant others. All of the services are in the Toronto Area and covered by OHIP. Out-of town clients are welcome. More information on quitting or cutting down can be found here.
Trans of Colour Project Looking for support, activism or an outlet for your artistic juices? Contact JD or Rupert or leave a message at (416) 392-6878 x325.
TS/TG Self Defense Classes! are run periodically, at various times. Designed specifically for transpeople, based on Wendo, Sliding Scale costs. At the 519.
SOS - Supporting Our Spouses is a support group for spouses of MtoF Transsexual and Transgendered people. Meetings are the 4th Friday of each month from 8-10pm. at the 519.
Transsexual Men and Female to Male Transgendered Support Group at the 519 in Toronto meets on the first and third Friday of each month from 7:30-10pm.
Soffa Voices is a support group for spouses of FtoM Transsexuals and Transgendered Men. The group meets on the 3rd Friday of each month from 8-10pm at the 519.
Bashing Is A Crime Been bashed, threatened or verbally harassed as a lesbian, gay, bi or transgendered person? Report it! (416) 392-6877 Bashing Report Line, at the 519. 911 for the Police (emergency) or 808-2222 for Police (non emergency)
TGC-L the Transgendered E-Mail Forum. TGC-L is a private list devoted to the discussion of issues pertinent to the Canadian Transgendered community. TGC-L does not have a particular viewpoint, and all opinions are welcome. We urge members to be polite, considerate and supportive. Flames and personal attacks will not be tolerated, and abusive subscribers will be dropped. Anyone interested in subscribing should send a message to containing the single line: SUBSCRIBE TGC-L "Your Name" to LISTSERV@YORKU.CA.
SHERBOURNE HEALTH CENTRE is developing Toronto’s first comprehensive Primary Health Care Program for LGBT people. 333 Sherbourne Street, the former site of Central Hospital will be the site of the Sherbourne Health Centre. A primary care services for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered and transsexual people will be part of a broader range of services which will include a walk-in immediate care centre, an infirmary for homeless people, and a range of mental health services. Anna Travers, MSW, is the Client Service Leader who is leading the development of LGBT Service planning.
We are pleased to announce that we are starting to accept referrals (self-referrals and third-party referrals) at the Sherbourne Health Centre for counselling services the week of Monday, December 9, 2002. (All counselling and medical services at the centre are covered by the Ontario Health Insurance Plan).
New counselling clients seeking an initial appointment, as well as care providers making a new client referral, should call the centre's Medical Receptionist, Lorrie Williams (416-324-4180) between 9 am and 5 pm, Monday through Friday, to ask for counselling services.
Some awesome news from Rupert Raj!
He just got hired on as one of two new LGBT Mental Health Workers at the Sherbourne Health Centre (located across from Allan Gardens, between Gerard and Carlton). The position will start Monday, November 18, 2002. This is his dream job - one he has been working towards ever since graduating from university in 1975.
This is thrilling news for all of us: firstly, because this is a new initiative - the LGBT program & services at SHC (which will include primary [physical], mental and sexual health care) aiming to serve members of the Toronto queer & trans communities, and secondly, because his role will primarily focus on addressing the counselling and mental health needs of the trans community.
Rupert and the Menace want to take this opportunity, on behalf of ourselves and the trans community, to express our genuine thanks to Anna Travers, Client Services Coordinator at the Sherbourne Health Centre, for being a substantive transpositive ally and literally making this position happen. It was because of Anna's particular advocacy efforts that this trans-focussed mental health worker position was created and made a reality.
Rupert's function will include the provision of therapeutic support (individual, couple and family counselling), group work, psychoeducation, referrals to in-house and extra-agency clinical and community supports, as well as program and community development, involving partnerships with the trans and queer communities and people of colour.
The other newly-hired LGBT mental health worker at SHC is Carole Baker - a lesbian who is an experienced counsellor working with women survivors of abuse, and a longtime activist in the queer community.
The LGBT staff at the Sherbourne Health Centre aim to partner closely with members of the queer, trans and other communities, and Rupe especially looks forward to the opportunity of working with members of his community(ies) (including service users, service providers, activists, advocates and allies), in the near future and over the years to come. We (SHC) will hopefully be able to offer a variety of opportunities for people to become actively involved with the centre as we start to build programs and roll out services. Some examples might be (over time) creation of a program advisory committee, volunteer opportunities, student placements, etc.
SHC is planning to launch the LGBT division of the clinic in the near future and this will be announced as soon as it has been confirmed.
Total propers for Rupert and SHC!!!!!!!!