Re: -Question: Folder is too Large - now what -

From: Larry Caldwell (
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 1997 15:12:59 -0800

Sun, 19 Jan 1997 "D. Wilson" <> wrote:

> There is a Yarn Folder with about
> 10,000 messages and
> 34 Mega Bytes in size

> It is too big for Yarn to read ...
> We get an "Out of memory Error"

> and it is too big for:
> a) LIST.COM from Vernon D. Buerg
> b) DOS WordPerfect 5.1
> c) Word 6.0a for Windows 3.1

WordPerfect will load it, you just have to clean off about 50 megs
on the WP working swap drive. I think you can specify the location
of the swap file in setup (shift-f1). It's probably wise to turn off
timed backups while you're at it. :)

Word should load it too. Once again, you just need room for a huge
swap file.

I assume you have tried running expire -r, expire -o, and rebuild -s?
Once again, you are going to need some free drive space before trying

Meanwhile, you really need to catch up on your reading. You are 34 megs

> Does anyone know of a program that will view this Yarn folder ?
> Or a method to split it up?

Tinker around with old file viewers. The ones written for 128k DOS
platforms often read an offset into the file and displayed it rather
than trying to load the whole file.

You also might look around for the unix 'tail' utility. Or upload the
whole thing to a shell account and load it into vi. :)

You could use the DOS command 'type news.dat' and then use ctrl-s and
ctrl-q to stop and start scrolling.

When you're all done, realize you're never going to read 34 megs of
text, and start deleting crap that is just taking up space.

-- Larry