From: Mikus Grinbergs (
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 18:16:55 -0600

In article <>, (Arnoud "Galactus" Engelfriet) wrote:
> Except when you try to reply to the message, then the quoted stuff
> is still present. Would it be difficult to write an interface to
> unquote QP messages before handing them to the editor?

Here's a "philosophy" question: If the message that arrives at your
computer contains =xx strings, and you want to quote that message,
what's wrong with using the text "as received" ?

[I believe Yarn's existing translation is not completely symmetrical -
for instance, if an input text contains characters with 8x or 9x
code points in iso_8859-1, and Yarn translates them to CP 850 code
points before handing them to the editor, and then translates the
CP 850 code points back to iso_8859-1 after the text has been edited,
then some of those characters no longer have their original values.
(I realize 8x and 9x code points are supposed to be "reserved" in
iso-8859-1. However, some Macintoshes still use these code points.)]
