Re: YARN versions? purge and pack...

From: wmcs (
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 01:28:06 -0800

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- (Larry Levine) wrote:
>Thanks for your response.
>You wrote on Sat, 11 Jan 1997 17:21:54 -0800:
>>There is no actual packing utility for Yarn. Expire does for what it was
>>intended, rebuild does what is intended but also will shrink the
>>news.dat file if you apply the -s switch ...
>Ahhh, so I was actually doing the the right thing -- for this version of
>YARN (0.92). You have said elsewhere that the latest version of YARN
>lacks some of its previous packing functionality.

>Disk space is not an issue (yet) -- but I downloaded everything that didn't
>seem OS/2 specific. I may not actually need the stuff, but figure it
>provide some insight into YARN's abilities/problems. (Every little bit of
>documentation helps.)
>>Need to know any more? (-:
>Is there a way to have the "Date:" field display in the article selection
>lists? :^)

Not that I am aware of ...

=================== Part of quoted message from author of yarnpack ......

>>.................. (The os/2 version is limited to news.dats with less
>>than 500 million or so articles. If anyone has more than 500 million
>>articles -- get a life. (-: ) ......................
>Sounds like he ought to filter _before_ he downloads.
>>I haven't got time (what with all this illicit hacking!) to update my web
>>site these days, so i just post the filenames above you can grab. (Also I
>>have to move ISPs by the end of this month and everything is up in the
>>air... the Yarn/2 Bells and Whistles site may disappear for a little while
>>in a few weeks... and hopefully will be new and improved when it comes
================== .............................. endquote ...
>Sorry about the hassles at your organisation.
>Good luck.

The above >> ===== was part of the quote I had included in the original
message from the author of YarnPack.exe ... He explains some of the
aspects of the yarnpack program ...

>p.s (A local surplus merchandise store is selling warp-red for $27 US.
>Should I buy it? If I need to ask, does that mean I probably don't need
>it? <:^) )

I think this kind of decision depends on what kind of software you
(would) plan to use ...

Version: 2.6.2
Comment: PGP U.S. OS/2 Version
