Re: Move to newsgroup

From: A.R. & F.L. Scott-Thoennes (
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 1997 02:47:25 -0800

In article <7Sd2ygHAAQOA092yn@y.z>, (Tim Moddletun) wrote:
>Sun, 12 Jan 1997 20:27:49 +0100, (Mikael Ståldal) wrote:
>>Is it possible to move a message from INBOX på a newsgroup (not to a
>>folder). When I try, it just creates a folder with the same name as the
>If the newsgroup exists then the message will be filtered to it, if the
>newsgroup does not exist then a folder will be created. So you need to use
>the NEWGROUP utility that comes with yarn to create the pseudo-newsgroup
>you want to filter to -before- attempting to filter...

Tim, I think you are misunderstanding his question. He is not having
a problem with filtering. He just wants to move the first message(s)
he received from his *INBOX* to the pseudo-newsgroup. It didn't get
filtered because until he received the first message he didn't have
enough information about the headers to set up the filter.

You could save the message from your INBOX into an otherwise empty
folder, then run one of the programs that will convert a folder into
a SOUP packet (I believe sendfold.exe from the yarn utilities will
work). After adding the filter rule, then just import the packet.
Good luck.