Re: ISP & soup packages

From: A.R. & F.L. Scott-Thoennes (
Date: Sat, 04 Jan 1997 21:52:34 -0800

In article </>, (Anssi Saari) wrote:
>In article <rA/>,
> (Donald Breda) wrote:
>:>Whats this other version refered to in the message quoted below?
>:>I thought there was only one uqwk written by Steve Belzyk I believe is
>:>the spelling.
>Belczyk. And you're right. However, since the source code is available,
>people can naturally fix bugs and add features.
>:>Can someone clear this up for me and tell me the differences in the
>:>versions and where to get the other version?
>Jim Tittsler added score files to uqwk. His patches are available from
>Anssi Saari -

Jim Tittsler's version also increases the NNTP read buffer from 512 to
2048 bytes, which can decrease problems with headers getting mangled
resulting in yarn reporting missing Message-ID or routing news to the
junk group.