Re: Problems with SOUP/YARN help

From: A.R. & F.L. Scott-Thoennes (
Date: Sat, 04 Jan 1997 22:12:06 -0800

In article <>, (Daniel K. Gartmann) wrote:
>Raymond Vermey <> (from list.yarn )
>> 1) This morning i started soup to get my mail but didn't have the HOME
>> variable defined. Now i end up with 0000000.msg in the soup dir but no
>> areas file. How can i import the mail now ??
>Try import -r <the full path and file name> and hit enter. That causes the
>import of an individual SOUP file.
>> 3) In mail the 'lines' are not displayed
>Lines are only displayed in outgoing msgs.

Not quite. Lines are displayed in mail or news that has a Lines: header.
News almost always does have this header. Mail frequently doesn't.
There is an ADDLINES utility that adds this header to incoming mail in the
yarn utilities <>.