Re: size of news.dat

From: Debra Walker (
Date: Sat, 04 Jan 1997 18:45:22 -0600

On Sat, 04 Jan 1997 09:37:26 -0600,
in yarn.list,article<>, (walt moffett) wrote:

>Given that Yarn is a multi user news system, I would imagine that news.dat
>will grow until it eats up all the disk space available.
>The cure would be run expire after every import operation, set keep times
>shorter and really think about some the groups you have.

Hello, Walt.

This all makes sense to me, with my lack of technical knowledge
about the inner workings of Yarn. All I know, at the moment, is that,
first of all, I import news (and mail) everyday with Yarn. By the time
that I import new articles, I have some older ones that are read. So,
I tend to run expire -r to clear out those messages either before or
after I import new ones. My keep times are set up to be real brief,
i.e. the maximum is 2 days. This works for me, because, after a day or
two, Usenet news, in my opinion, becomes real "old", unless I have
saved certain articles to folders. I run "expire -r" and, then,
"rebuild -s" to keep the news.dat size manageable, according to my D:
drive disk space. I also regularly evaluate the state of affairs with
my subscribed newsgroups. So, if I tend to get bored or disgusted with
the posts that I receive, for example, I just sign off, by expiring
those articles, and doing an "rmgroup" on a newsgroup (or newsgroups).
This all seems to work for me.

I realize, though, that we all have different ways of using Yarn, and
managing our respective news article and/or mail databases. But, to
me, one of the great features of Yarn is its ability to handle various
needs and/or configurations, in, and on, various platforms, and
according to one's objectives.

>If the expire routine is ever re worked, it would be nice to have a option
>somewhere to set the max size of the news.dat.

Again, with my rather limited expertise, I agree with this statement.
I have concerns about disk space limitations, and I am sure that others
do, also.

Debra Walker

Debra Walker
Chicago, IL