Re: Expire -o JUNK doesn't.

Larry Caldwell (
Wed, 01 Jan 1997 09:39:37 -0800

Tue, 31 Dec 1996 12:27:15 +0100 (Arnoud "Galactus" Engelfriet) wrote:

> Nope. 'junk' is a newsgroup to which articles get filtered that
> don't fit anywhere else. If everything was perfect, you'd never
> see anything there. Unfortunately, it isn't perfect.

'junk' is a usenet newsgroup like any other. You can subscribe to it if
you wish. Most posts that show up in 'junk' get there because they
are crossposted to 'junk'.

Some spammers are so stupid that they regularly crosspost to 'junk',
where their post can be conveniently killed.

-- Larry