Re: -filters

0 (gro.oi@mt)
Tue, 15 Oct 1996 22:11:42 -0400

Tue, 15 Oct 1996 15:48:47 -0400, (D. Wilson) wrote:
>I wish to filter Win95 into sub sets (based on subject), because
>I received 150+ emails / day from this 1 List server.

OH! Now i see what you mean. Well there is certainly no easy way to do
that. However i have thought of an extremely awkward and labour intensive
way that it COULD be done (-: It would involve a lot of batch file
coordination on your part. What you need to do is write a batch file for
your IMPORT routine... that does a lot of complex stuff. (-:

1) create two seperate filter files for yarn. (ie. have your normal filter
file contain your filter #1. Then rename that %HOME%\yarn\filter to
something else then run FILTER again and create all your subfilters.
Then rename this second filter to soemthing else and rename your
original filter back to the normal "filter" name.)

2) Have the batch import and filter all the mail to the list to a temporary
3) after import exists check if the temporary folder exists.
4) if the temp folder exists have a util convert that folder back into
a soup packet. There are DOS utils to do this i believe. YTSG will do
it, but it's a bit confusing to set up. Possibly one of the YarnUtils
would do it (see Or if you are desperate I have
a REXX script (see that will do it
(but then you'd have to install IBM OBject RExx for Win95/NT first --
freely available on the web... do a search at if intersted).
5) rename your original folder to get it out of the way. Rename your
second filter to the default "filter" name. Run import again on
the newly created packet which you know only contains messages
for the Win95 list -- this time it will be imported with your
second filter which will filter it into "sub groups" (folders or
pseudo newsgroups).
6) finish off by restoring your first filter to it's original name
again to put everything back the way it was. And delete the TEMP
folder you originally imported to.

I told you it would take some work! (-: But it is possible this way anyhow.
Don't you love hacking with Yarn. (-;

here's a pseudo batch file to illustrate (if you were to use the rexx
script mentioned above):

if not exist %HOME%\mail\w95.tmp goto end

rexx f2mail.cmd %HOME%\mail\w95.tmp soup.w95
ren %HOME%\yarn\filter %HOME%\yarn\filter.1
ren %HOME%\yarn\filter.2 %HOME%\yarn\filter

import -r soup.w95

del %HOME%\mail\w95.tmp

ren %HOME%\yarn\filter %HOME%\yarn\filter.2
ren %HOME%\yarn\filter.1 %HOME%\yarn\filter


That was fun, wasn't it? Sure it was. If you don't undersatnd any of the
above feel free to ask. I'm CC'ing this to the list just in case anyone
else is interested in this utter madness! (-:

  Tom Middletin =-= not all who wander are lost =-=
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