Re: yarnio.cmd in VSoup

Hardy Griech (
Sat, 12 Oct 1996 13:58:17 +0200

On Sat, 12 Oct 1996 09:01:43 +0800, (Billy Chan) wrote:
> Hi, Can someone tell me how to use this yarnio.cmd ? Thanks.

Which version of VSoup do you have? I assume you have 1.2, also I
assume that VSoup is already running for all modes:

(1) read the README carefully

(2) read the comments in YarnIo.Cmd & YarnIo.Set

(3) copy Yarnio.Cmd & YarnIo.Set to a subdir in yout path

(4) create the following subdirs (see README!):


All subdirs might be empty, except the news & news2. They must
contain a newsrc file and optionally a kill file. newsrc
contains the newsgroups you have subscribed to, kill contains the
kill patterns.

(5) change in the yarn-config file (%HOME%\yarn\config) the following line:


If this misses, reply will not be possible! Of course %HOME%
should be replaced by the actual value of %HOME%

(This is (6) in the README)

(6) edit the YarnIo.Set so that it reflects your specific needs.
Check the pathnames, because they won't fit for you (I am sure).
Also the pingHost should be changed. All the soup... must be
setup properly. If you don't like a secondary news server you
can set soupRcvNews2=''. If you prefer a secondary pop3 server,
you can set this in soupRcvNews2 (if you don't have a secondary
news server)!

(7) if you want to have auto-dialing & hangup for YarnIo operation,
you have to write the following small scripts: loginisp.cmd &
logoutisp.cmd. If you don't need it, then you have to dial in
first, then start YarnIo (otherwise you will get some error
messages and YarnIo did nothing).

(8) Now you can connect to your ISP and try 'yarnio -RCVMAIL -SEND
-RCVNEWS2'. This will start only the 'YarnIo RCVNEWS' window
(hit ctrl-ESC and open it). News reception should be performed
as expected, at the end import to yarn will be initiated (after
that 30s pause).

(9) Now check the other modi, e.g. 'yarnio -RCVNEWS -SEND -RCVNEWS2'
for mail reception and so on.

(10) if you have written loginisp.cmd & logoutisp.cmd you can also
check if this works. Run 'loginisp' from a command line - login
should be performed. Then run 'logoutisp.cmd' - logout should be
performed. Now also the YarnIo auto-dial/hangup should work...

(11) now it is done. For the first several times I recommend to add
to each call of VSoup the -M option to force generation of the
status mail. This can be a good debugging aid...

Note1: it should be possible to setup YarnIo without changing
YarnIo.Cmd! This will ensure, that you will be able to easily
upgrade the YarnIo versions in the future.

Note2: if you have only FAT drives, then you have to rename
logoutisp.cmd in the YarnIo.Set!

Note3: comments / extensions / enhancements to the above are highly

Example loginisp.cmd:

call RxFuncAdd 'SysLoadFuncs', 'RexxUtil', 'SysLoadFuncs'
call SysLoadFuncs

do forever
'@map | grep DIALER > nul' /* you perhaps don't have neither map nor grep - this is just for checking if DIALER is active... */
if rc = 1 then
'@start /min dialer.exe -c'
rc = SysSleep( 3 )
'@start dialer.exe account user passwd -m'

Example logoutisp.cmd:
call RxFuncAdd 'SysLoadFuncs', 'RexxUtil', 'SysLoadFuncs'
call SysLoadFuncs

'@echo logging off...'
'@map | grep DIALER > nul' /* you perhaps don't have neither map nor grep - this is just for checking if DIALER is active... */
if rc = 0 then do
'@start /min c:\tcpip\bin\dialer.exe -c'
rc = SysSleep( 2 )
call HangupNow
rc = SysSleep( 2 )
call HangupNow

'@mode com3,dtr=on > nul'
'@mode com3,dtr=off > nul'
'@mode com3,dtr=on > nul'

Hardy Griech, Kurt-Schumacher-Str. 25/1, D-72762 Reutlingen