Re: - The X file ... :)

Yngvar Folling (
Fri, 11 Oct 1996 07:45:10 +0200 (MET DST)

In article <>, (D. Wilson) wrote:

> What is the difference in Yarn for DOS between
> yarn .exe
> yarnx .exe ?

YARN.EXE is the plain 16-bit DOS version, which should run on all PCs.
Whether it actually does I don't know -- some apparently have had
problems. However, it is limited about how many articles per newsgroup
it can handle.

YARNX.EXE is the 32-bit version with a DOS extender built into the
executable file (earlier versions of Yarn had it as a separate file).
It can handle much larger news bases, but requires an 80386 or higher
processor to run.
