Re: Setting up mailing list with Yarn

Jim Holcomb (
Tue, 08 Oct 1996 06:25:00 +0000

In article <>, you wrote:
>I was able to use Yarn 0.91 to send mail to several people, using one
>alias. All I did was create an alias (one word), and entered the email
>addresses, each with a comma after it, and no space. So, for example,
>if I create an alias called "Friends", then on the address(es) line, I
>would enter:
>While you are composing/editing the message, all you will see in the
>To: header is the alias name. Once you upload the message, you can see
>the list of names go by on the screen.
>To create such an entry in the address book, just hit F2, and then your
>Insert key when the next screen appears. In the dialog box, you just
>type in an alias name on the top line, and the list of addresses, as
>described above. When you are done, hit Enter, then the Escape key.
>This works for me.

Thanks Debra. If it works you'll get e-mail ...

Jim Holcomb                    
Cary, NC, USA