VSoup1.2 problems & solutions (addendum to the VSoup1.2 FAQ)

Hardy Griech (rgriech@ibm.net)
Tue, 08 Oct 1996 10:06:04 +0200

So far two problems/insufficiencies belonging to VSoup1.2 are known.
For both there are solutions:

Q: emx09c breaks my system, but VSoup1.2 says it requires the emx09c
runtimes. What can I do?

A: You can use the older emx09b runtimes. I've checked this and it
seems to work. If you are using the emx09b runtimes (emx.dll
revision >= 40) you will get the following display (my test

[D:\u\C\tcpip\vsoup\tst]..\vsoup -r -m -i -h . nntp://atlas
WARNING: emx 0.9c or later required
vsoup: connected to news server Atlas (getNews)
vsoup: 27 unread articles in comp.os.os2.announce
| 7% (3: 00022k)

Simply ignore the warning message. If VSoup1.2 aborts after
issueing the message, there must be something different wrong.
Contact me in this case, so we can hopefully fix it!

Q: I can not send EMail, VSoup1.2 reports something like:

vsoup -i -M -s smtp://mail.mymail.net nntp://userid:pass@news.mymail.net
Expecting SMTP 250 reply, got 501 HELO requires domain name as operand
Disconnecting from mail.mymail.net

What's wrong?

A: That's a bug in VSoup1.2 (also exists in VSoup1.1, but obiously
never appeared). As a work around do the following:

- if you have no %ETC%\TCPOS2.INI, create a dummy
%ETC%\TCPOS2.INI with 'copy con %ETC%\TCPOS2.INI', then hit
<return>, then ^Z. Substitute %ETC% with the value of your
environment var %ETC%.

- call VSoup1.2/1.1 without the '-i' option!

This will be fixed in the next version of VSoup.

Hardy Griech, Kurt-Schumacher-Str. 25/1, D-72762 Reutlingen