
Jacques Jamain (
Sun, 6 Oct 1996 04:42:23 -0400

Hi (Chin?), just downloaded soup16b5 and yrn2_092, always great but..., it seems that the source for souper is only compatible with
Watcom C/C++ compiler. There is no <utils.h> in gcc/emx nor in ibm cset2,
and this headers file seems actually mandatory.
I used to do some cosmetic changes for my own and recompile with gcc,
no luck. I can't afford to invest $350 (+ at least x0% in france) for that
compiler, so any clue?

While i'm there, can i add to the Yarn wish list!
- possibility to expire (delete) an article at the article selection level.
- possibility to display the complete thread, with read articles,
when selecting an unread reply (V do that for all the ng, but current line
is lost and you have to search where you were).

btw, my cosmetic changes for souper were:
change the way -N -K -h parms are parsed from the command line;
-currently -N & -K are positional related to -h (they should be written
after -h, otherwise the default names, newsrc and score are used).
-When displaying souper progress, personally i prefer to have
the article numbers displayed instead of the % of the number of articles
downloaded, and i changed that display to: (first-last::current)

Many thanks for the good job, continue!

Jacques JAMAIN   -
    ... one Yarn addict on the french riviera ...