Re: VSOUP bug?

Hardy Griech (
Sat, 05 Oct 1996 16:37:48 +0200

On Thu, 03 Oct 1996 23:57:01 -0100, (Alberto Velo) wrote:
> Maybe not: I'm trying to use the "-i" switch to fetch mail from different
> mailservers, but vsoup always connects to the first (configured in TCPOS2.INI or
> something like that, written from the Dialer I mean).
> Syntax I use in the batch is:
> vsoup -s -i nntp://newsserver smtp://login:pwd@mailsrv
> [....]
> vsoup -n -i smtp://login2:pwd2@mailsrv2
> It always fetches from mailsrv1.

There is/was a bug in VSoup1.1, which let it ignore the '-i' switch
(ignore the ignore switch...). There is one way to ignore the
'internet settings': set etc to empty ('set etc=').

On the other hand, you made a mistake too! Mail is received from
POP3! I.e. you should specify 'vsoup -n pop3://login2:pwd2@mailsrv2'.

That should work...


PS: VSoup1.2 will be released very soon, I am doing final testing...

Hardy Griech, Kurt-Schumacher-Str. 25/1, D-72762 Reutlingen