Deleting News Article

Mikus Grinbergs (
Sat, 31 Aug 1996 15:44:59 -0500

It was bound to happen sooner or later. It just did. Somebody posted
a Playboy photo to one of the mainstream newsgroups I subscribe to.

Suppose someone were to subpoena my computer with its Yarn files. I'd
be doubly liable: 1) the photo is probably copyrighted; 2) the photo
would probably be not acceptable under the Communications Decency Act
(which is not being enforced until the Supreme Court rules, but which
still *IS* the law).

The question is - how to delete this article ? I could:

- Mark all articles in that newsgroup as "unread"
- Mark that particular article as "read"
- Run 'expire -r newsgroup'
- Mark the remaining articles back to "read"

But I seem to remember someone saying that 'expire -r' articles "hang
around" the data base until their regular expiration date. So even
after I did the above, could someone with "smarts" reconstruct the
article during the next several days - since it's still in news.dat ?

Help, Chin. I think there is a NEED to be able to get totally rid
of articles like this.
