Re: ANNOUNCE: Souper version 1.6 beta 2

walt moffett (
Tue, 27 Aug 1996 21:29:42 -0500 (Chin Huang) wrote:
>In article <>,
> (Lou Verdon) wrote:
>>I seem to be able to authenticate all right with the server, but Souper_16
>>does not seem to pass the posted message. This reply is "mailed" with the
>>same configuration to the same server (authentication not required for mail).
>I put Souper 1.6 beta 2 at
>It fixes this bug.

Don't know if this is a bug with souper 1.6 or with something else. I
have noticed I keep retrieving one message from news.announce.important
yet the souper newsrc file and yarn newsrc shows no message and
searching using and another newsreader with my news server
shows no message at all for this group. It didn't happen under souper

Otherwise works right as rain and it seems more willing to run in the
background when ftpping/lynxing while grabbing mail/news.

does not exist in