Re: Got Agent, I'm Gone

Ralph D. Bednarski (
Fri, 23 Aug 1996 06:28:33 +0100

In article <>,
Kevin Martin <> wrote:
>Can we safely assume that anyone who hasn't unsubscribed by now
>is generally in agreement that Agent sucks, and MOVE ON? :-)
>Thank you.

I'm sorry, but we can't <bg>. As I'm using Agent in Win-OS/2 for a
second ISP, due to some problems with my dialer.

And I don't think, that Agent sucks. It's just another fine piece of
software, with it's goodies and bads (just like Souper/Yarn, too <g>).

Sometimes even a GUI is a pleasure to use ;)

Ralph D. Bednarski                                    Beverungen / Germany
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