Need a simple answer, decoding MIME messages

Larry Higgins (
Tue, 20 Aug 1996 23:38:35 -0400

Hello to you all, and hope you all can clear a few things up for me.

I downloaded and installed Metamail on my PC about a year ago. At the
time, I followed all of the instructions given in the english.doc file
regarding Metamail, but I gave up after getting nothing but a constant
string of "Bad command or file name" error messages each time I would answer
yes to processing these messages, and when I chose the option to save
to a file, no file would, or will now appear any where on any of my

Lately I have been reading some of the Clari-net newsgroups, and as some
of you may know, the messages in these groups often contain .jpeg files.
Actually, I should mention here, that I don't have a jpeg program for
use in decoding these particular files, which you might reasonably
expect to be an explanation for my immediate problem. But again, I
haven't had any luck in decoding anything, not even compressed files, or
extractable files. I have also tried to decode .gif files as well, but
no luck. I have however had some luck in attaching files.

While I'm at it, I guess I should ask. Where can I find a reliable shareware
jpeg viewer for interpreting these particular files. I do however, have
a copy of the program on my search path, for interpreting text
files. I also have a copy of Cshow for gif, as well as, well, Metamail,
but this seems to mean nothing to Yarn, when it comes to doing the task
of decoding.

I will include a copy of my mailcap file, as well as my environment
string variable, in the hopes that someone can point out just where I am
going wrong. I thought that I was going strictly by the book, but
apparently not.

mailcap file

text/*; list %s
image/gif; cshow %s

environment string variable

set mailcaps=f:\larry\yarn\mailcap

The following are the messages I get after answering yes to the
processing question.

Bad command or file name
Content-Description: Help text

Bad command or file name
Content-Description: caption text (edition 80)

Bad command or file name
Content-Description: PHOTO Photo

This message contains data in an unrecognized format, image/Jpeg, which
can either be viewed as text, or written to a file.

What do you want to do with the image/jpeg data?

1. See it as text
2. Write it to a file
3. Just skip it

In case you should want to know, I am a blind user, and don't really have
any personal use for these pictures, although, I might like to show them
to the rest of my family. I am primarily concerned with decoding files
attached to personal e-mail. As it stands now, I have to decode
attachments using Pine, and download them from my shell account, and
needless to say, that is a pain.

If any one out there could please get me on the write track, you would make my
week, if not my month <g>.

Yes, I am still using v0.89, because I haven't reconciled myself to that
ever expanding news.dat file. I just don't care for the idea of having
to wipe out all my news at onces, especially if I might get the urge to
read it later in the month <g>. Who knows, maybe I'm all wet on this
point, but v0.89 seems to work quite well for me, thank you.

Again, I would really appreciate your help. If I can provide you all
with any more helpful information, please let me know.

